In this blog post, THE FRENCH MASTER GH will help you get the insight into writing a comprehensive lesson plan on the various topics in the newly introduced French Curriculum for Ghanaian Basic Schools. A sample detailed lesson plan on the topic << Donner et demander l’heure >> is provided for free download.

  • In simple terms, a lesson plan is the chronological order in which the teacher intends to implement his teaching and learning activities, methods and strategies in order to achieve pre-determined objectives. The new curriculum requires that a topic should be taught twice with the first session focusing on receptive skills (Compréhension Orale (CO), Expression Orale (EO)) and the second session focusing on productive skills (Compréhension Ecrite (CE) and Expression Ecrite (EE)). At the Upper Primary School level (B4-B6), French is given 2 periods per week for each class.

The new lesson plan format is organized into:

  • CONTENT STANDARDS (Compétences): These are the skills the learners are to develop in relation to the topic at the end of the French class. There are four (4) skills a French teacher must nurture in his or her learners by the end of a topic. These are: Compréhension Orale (CO), Expression Orale (EO), Compréhension Ecrite (CE) and Expression Ecrite (EE).
  • INDICATORS: These are the set objectives that the teacher wants to achieve by the end of the lesson which must reflect in the learners’ ability to perform particular tasks. It contains the Curriculum Reference Number (CRN). For example: (B4. – Ecouter, regarder et comprendre des documents audio-visuels parlant de la salutation et comment prendre congé. (B4. means Basic 4 Strand 1 Sub-strand 1 Content Standard 1 Indicator 1 (click here to watch a video on how to teach the new French Curriculum).
  • PERFORMANCE INDICATOR: It states the main objective of the lesson. For example: L’apprenant sera capable de saluer en français.
  • CORE COMPETENCIES: They describe a body of skills that teachers at all levels should seek to develop in their learners. For example: Communication, cultural identity and global citizenship, personal development and leadership.
  • KEYWORDS: They include the key and important words in the content or topic to be taught. For exemple : Bonjour, bonsoir, comment ça va?, ça va bien, au revoir, à bientôt.
  • LEARNING ACTIVITIES: There are three (3) phases in this part of the lesson plan.
  • Phase 1: Preparing the brain for learning: here, you are to introduce the lesson to the learners through a song, a poem in order to psychologically prepare their minds towards the lesson. For example: L’enseignant fait écouter aux apprenants un audio ou une vidéo sur les salutations et les guide à chanter.
  • Phase 2: New learning including assessment: at this stage the teacher is supposed to list learning activities chronologically and at the end assess the learners. Example: L’enseignant encourage les apprenants à se saluer et à saluer les autres dans la communauté en français.
  • Phase 3 : Plenary and reflection : here the teacher assigns external tasks to learners and urges them to reflect on the what they learnt.
  • RESOURCES: these are the teaching and learning materials or resources you used in your lesson delivery.

You are welcome to the end of this lesson. If you are able to read this lesson up to this stage, clap for yourself and take a coffee for free. Merci. Click on the button below to subscribe to my YouTube channel and then proceed to download well prepared, professional and detailed French lesson plans for GHS 30 (B4-B6 or B7-B9). Terms 1, 2 and 3 are all available. Click here to purchase them.

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